Ankündigung Slowenien-Exkursion 2024

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Botanical and Biogeographical Excursion to Triglav National Park, Slovenia May 2024 – for MSc students Triglav National Park is a stunning backdrop to learn how environment, geography, and human impacts shape plant communities. Nested within the Julian Alps, Triglav National Park is the only national park in Slovenia, and offers the chance to explore montane and alpine plant communities and their associated habitats across elevations ranging from ca. 600 to over 2000 m asl. This 11-day field excursion will teach students advanced principles of plant ecology and adaptations in the context of climate, mountain orogeny, land-use change, and conservation. Students will learn how to identify the local flora, recognize important vegetation types, and practice vegetation sampling. Seminar topics will put the region’s biota into a broader evolutionary and biogeographical context and discuss topics in more detail. Limited to 16 participants.